How Are We Different?

Written By: Laura Ball

There are 80 billion landscape design/build companies in the Richmond vicinity (okay, I exaggerated a little, maybe). How do you know which one to choose for your project? We like to think we’re a little different than a lot of companies for the following reasons:


One of the first things our clients tell us when we meet with them is that they were pleasantly surprised by the fact we actually returned their phone call so promptly. Maybe I’m a little idealistic. Maybe I live in a strange, quixotic land in which prospective clients don’t have to stare at the phone for days and wonder whether it will ever ring. Or, perhaps, I don’t understand why any business would have, as its model, a lax call return policy. Do these businesses really have all the clients they’ll ever need?

Yet, there it is. Contractors already get a bad reputation for their lack of promptness, and they are not helping themselves any by playing “hard to get” with new clients. We’re not claiming to be perfect. Life happens here the same as it does for you. Ankles get sprained, the dog swallows a bowlful of dark chocolate Hershey’s Kisses, and cell phones get dropped unceremoniously in toilets (so, that has never happened to you?).  But, our company policy is to try the best we can to return your inquiry within 24 hours of your initial contact. Period. If that hasn’t happened, expect that the phone is praying to the porcelain god, perhaps.


I know this sounds a little ridiculous and “touchy-feely,” but we really do mean it: we’re actually nice people. We did not get into our business with dreams of fleecing the little guy or making money hand over fist at the expense of quality customer relationships. This is what we do because we actually like it! We are some of the luckiest folks in the world in that we love what we do and the people we serve!

When we take on your job, we often become really excited about what we are about to create in your living space. I mean, we sometimes talk about your job over our family dinner—how excited we are to be installing the newest, most ornate fireplace, how cool the colored lighting is going to look in that pond-less waterfall, how much your kids are going to love the slide system we’ve installed in your retaining wall system (yes, a slide), etc. On occasion, we may not be a perfect business match for your needs—and that is OKAY—but we always do our very best to meet your needs and expectations, within reason.  

And, yes, we really do treat all of our clients like we would want to be treated ourselves! You are not just an “asset” or another paycheck. You are a real, living human being that simply wants to be treated as such. We will always do our very best to live up to the Golden Rule.


I cannot stress enough how much our field crew means to us personally and as a business! Without them, nothing at all would run. They are our lifeblood, and they do some of the most toilsome work in the worst of weather with such alacrity and eagerness that we are so blessed to have each one of them on staff.

But, we have the benefit of such a stellar crew because we are very careful about the people we hire for this important job. It is crucial that the people who will be working at your private residence are trustworthy, honest, and able to communicate respectfully and clearly. It is also vital that each member care about accuracy and detail in his or her work. So, our crew members are as carefully hand-picked to fill the role as any executive in our company.

You would be surprised how often many landscaping businesses overlook the importance of caution in field crew choice. Many think a warm body to dig dirt is enough of a qualification. We disagree. Your kids live at your home. Why would we put just anybody in your yard to build something for which you saved a pretty substantial amount? The quality of our build crew is paramount to the success of our business and the outcome of your project. We will accept nothing less than quality applicants.


Are you convinced yet that we are the right company to hire for your landscape design/build needs? If not, that’s okay. Maybe you need a little more convincing. Maybe you once had a very traumatizing experience with a contractor that left you with shoddy work and a steep bill. If so, we offer our most sincere apologies for your unpleasant experience. Not all contractors offer flimsy work, poor attitudes, and lax communication skills. If you’d like to learn more about us and what we can offer, please give us a call at (804) 690-5516 or contact us online to schedule a completely FREE consult. If you are still not convinced, that’s okay too. We enjoy the opportunity to get to know you anyway.